Singing Guide: The Weeknd feat. Daft Punk

Singing Guide: The Weeknd feat. Daft Punk

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If there is any artist out there that can give aspiring vocalists hope, it is The Weeknd! With his unique vocal style and smooth falsetto capabilities, the artist has become one of the most popular pop and R&B singers today. His collaboration with Daft Punk on "Starboy" and "I Feel It Coming" helped solidify not only his talent, but also his versatility.

One of the unique vocal techniques that The Weeknd has mastered is transitioning smoothly from his chest voice to his falsetto head voice. This is often referred to as "mixing" and allows the singer to connect his voice throughout his range seamlessly. A great song to showcase this technique is "Can't Feel My Face".

To learn how to sing like The Weeknd, it can be helpful to analyze your own voice first. Singing Carrots has a great article on How to Analyze Your Voice to help you get started. In addition, understanding your voice type and how to classify it can be another important aspect to improving your singing. Check out the Voice Types article for more information.

Practicing breathing techniques is also important for achieving The Weeknd's sound. Singing Carrots offers several resources on breathing, including an article on Active and Passive Breathing and one on Breath Support. Incorporating these breathing techniques into your practice routine can make a big difference in your overall sound and stamina.

It is also important to focus on opening your mouth and throat while singing to avoid constrictions and achieve a more bright and resonant tone, as discussed in the Open Mouth & Throat article. To enhance your voice's resonance, check out Resonance in Singing.

To tackle songs in The Weeknd's range, use Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test and Song Search to find songs that match your skill level and vocal range. In addition, practicing with Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test and Vocal Pitch Monitor can help you work on pitch and accuracy.

Finally, taking Singing Carrots' singing course can give you the foundation you need to develop your vocal skills and give you practical tips on how to improve your singing in all areas.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.